KKK Violence in Lorena
#OTD in 1921, future Texas Ranger Red Burton, a sheriff’s deputy at the time, and Waco sheriff Bob Buchanan had a run-in with the Lorena Ku Klux Klan in Lorena,
#OTD in 1921, future Texas Ranger Red Burton, a sheriff’s deputy at the time, and Waco sheriff Bob Buchanan had a run-in with the Lorena Ku Klux Klan in Lorena,
#OTD sometime in October of 1921 Texas Ranger Frank Hamer killed Mexican revolutionary and outlaw Rafael “Red” Lopez. His death marked the end of a years long tale that law enforcement would only fully come to understand in the early 2000s.
On an unknown date in October 1962, Homer Garrison, Director of @TxDPS and Chief of the Texas Rangers, dressed in blackface for a work picnic and lampooned the @NAACP. A thread on Garrison and racism in the modern Rangers.